Eagle Owl Class Blog
Week Commencing February 2nd
Eagle Owl Class have had a busy week five of the term with one of the highlights being two very special visitors... read on to find out who!
In English, we have been continuing to explore the illustrations and text of The Dam as inspiration for our writing and have been listening to examples of Northumbrian folk music and watching clips of traditional dances to help us with our descriptive writing about the dance scene. We've also been thinking about how we can incorporate a wider range of punctuation into our writing with a focus on using parentheses in our yeti-inspired writing with Mrs Jarmain.
Our main focus in maths has been algebra and we've been busy formulating, writing and solving equations. Tuesday morning saw a rousing start to our maths lesson as we took to the playground to put our rounding skills to the test with some "rounding races"!
On Tuesday, we also received a visit from Mrs Ellice and her new baby daughter, Eloise. We all loved seeing her and hearing how they are getting on - everyone concluded baby Eloise is absolutely gorgeous!
In other areas of our learning, we have been learning about plant reproduction in science, considered how we identify and manage risk in PSHE, have been developing food-related vocabulary in French and also preparing our story boards for recoding our videos in Computing next week. In PE on Tuesday we had lots of fun and activity playing benchball!
We finished the week exploring mountain-themed art and used the Japanese artist's piece, "A Clear Day on Mount Fuji" as inspiration for our artwork.
Week Commencing January 27th
Eagle Owl Class had an active start to the week. On Monday afternoon, we took part in the USSP Stansted Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics competition. All the children had the opportunity to take part in track and field events and everyone showed great enthusiasm for competing and cheering their teammates on. A number of children placed in the top 3 in their field events and the relays were extremely close closely fought battles ! A very big thank you to Miss Grant and Mrs Cawsey for accompanying us to the event - your help is greatly appreciated.
In English, we've been continuing our work around the picture book, "The Dam" and have been learning more about the Kielder Water scheme which the book is based around. After examining Ordnance Survey maps of the area and watching sections of a Northumbrian Water film about the scheme, we explored the advantages and disadvantages of the project and considered what the views of different stakeholders in the project might have been. Finally, we held a town hall meeting with representatives from Northumbrian Water taking questions from the members of the local community and interested parties. Well done to Immy, Thomas and Edward who took on the Northumbrian Water roles and demonstrated quick thinking in their responses to an audience who had strong view to express about the project and so many questions for our panel.
Week Commencing January 20th
Eagle Owl Class have had a busy start to the new term and have enjoyed beginning our learning about mountains (our topic for this term).
In English, we have been using the Rudimental music video of the song, "Free" as the starting point for our writing. Using the song as inspiration, we wrote setting and character descriptions and considered how we could compare two settings in our writing. This week, we have begun exploring the beginning of the picture book, "The Dam". Using the initial illustrations as clues, the children made inferences about the characters and setting and thought about how these images might help us make predictions about possible events in the story.
Over the first few weeks in maths, we have been revisiting negative numbers, fractions,decimals and percentages and have also been learning how to solve ratio and proportion problems.
In Geography, we began our learning about mountains by considering the different ways mountains are formed and also made 3D world maps showing the major mountain ranges of the world and their tallest peaks. We've also been considering features of the mountain environment and how different animals adapt to live in these challenging conditions.
We've also been busy getting reading for the upcoming indoor athletics competition,n organised by the Uttlesford School Sports Partnership, where the children will compete in a range of field and track events.