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Hawk Owl Class Blog

Week Commencing 10/02/2025

What an exciting end to this half term, with plenty already planned for the next! This week, the children have been putting their newly acquired desktop publishing skills to good use by creating eye-catching and informative posters for our cake stall on Friday, 28th February, in aid of Rainforest Concern. A special thanks to Willow for introducing us to this charity, which allows us to help reduce deforestation by sponsoring an acre of rainforest. We hope you’ll support the children in this effort by donating cakes!

In addition to the cake stall, we’re eagerly anticipating our production. Sticking with the rainforest theme, the children will be performing The Emerald Crown, a story featuring businessmen, lumberjacks, and some very clever animals. All the children have received their scripts and are hopefully busy learning their lines and songs.

In Maths, we’ve continued our study of measures, focusing on measuring and calculating the perimeter of regular and rectilinear shapes. The children worked through several steps to find missing lengths before calculating the perimeter. It was tricky, but with determination and perseverance, they did a fantastic job!

In PE, the children have been refining their basketball skills by incorporating defenders into their games. They've been practicing bounce passes, chest passes, and travelling in order to navigate the court and get into a good position to pass the ball without the defender intercepting.

I hope everyone enjoys a restful half term, and I look forward to seeing the children back in a week, ready and raring to perform!



Week Commencing 03/02/25

Another week has flown by in Hawk Owl Class, and it’s been full of exciting activities and productive learning experiences!

On Monday, many of the children had the incredible opportunity to perform with the Young Voices choir at the O2 Arena. Although it was a late night, everyone came back buzzing with excitement and filled with memories of their performance. What an unforgettable experience for them!

In maths, we’ve been diving into the world of measurements, particularly focusing on length. The children have been using rulers to draw and measure lines, learning how to select the most appropriate units for various objects. They’ve also been comparing measurements written in different units.

In our science lesson this week, we explored classification keys. The children began by sorting Liquorice Allsorts (a fun way to ease into the concept!) before moving on to using real-life classification keys to categorize animals. They worked hard to understand how to identify and group animals based on their characteristics. 

In English, the excitement is palpable! The children have been busy writing persuasive speeches on the important topic of deforestation in the rainforest. They’ll be bringing their speeches to life by recording them with a green screen! 

With only one more week until half term, it is bound to be very busy and creative.




Week Commencing 27/01/25

This week, our focus has been on the vital issue of deforestation, particularly in the Amazon Rainforest. The children have become incredibly passionate about the topic, sharing their views on whether deforestation should be made illegal. Despite their strong opinions, they have worked hard to remain impartial, crafting balanced arguments using a variety of fronted adverbials and conjunctions to present both sides of the debate effectively.

In Computing, the children explored how to add and edit text and images in Canva. They made careful decisions about font text and style to begin creating "Save the Rainforest" posters, that were visually striking.

Meanwhile, in Maths, the children focused on division, practicing with counters to share tens, ones and some hundreds. They also learned how to exchange between place values, reinforcing their understanding of how numbers work.

In Science, we took the classroom outside, with students exploring the school’s outdoor areas to identify various living things. Equipped with iPads, they documented their findings, merging nature with technology to deepen their understanding of life sciences.





Week Commencing 20/1/2025

It has been another busy week in Hawk Owl. It began with My Happy Minds, where the children learnt about having an "Attitude of Gratitude" and being thankful for both the big and small things in their lives. In English, the children focused on Balanced Arguments. We explored the features of balanced arguments and practised using a variety of fronted adverbials to present additional points and alternative perspectives.

In Maths, the children continued their journey with multiplication, working on multiplying three single-digit numbers and learning how to multiply three-digit numbers by a single-digit number. They have used a variety of resources to support their learning along the way.

In Geography, the children used an atlas to explore the temperature and climate of the Amazon Rainforest. They interpreted colour-coded keys and located the Rainforest on a world map.

On Thursday, we had a busy afternoon at the Sports Hall Athletics. All the children participated with enthusiasm, determination, and lots of cheering! A big thank you to Mrs. Fisk, Mrs. Barrett, and Mrs. Grant for accompanying us.