Pygmy Owl Class Blog
Week Commencing 3rd February 2025
We had lots of fun this week learning all about Chinese New Year. The children enjoyed reading lots of texts and watching a range of videos all about the customs and celebrations that take place during this time, including: 'I Love Chinese New Year', 'Cleversticks', 'The Great Race' and 'Winnie the Witch and the Chinese New Year'.
Activities this week included: using chopsticks to pick up different items and move them into egg boxes, role playing the story of The Great Race, painting banners with Chinese writing, making Chinese dragons and writing numbers in Chinese.
The highlight of the week,however, was when the children had a go at cooking and eating some noodles, soy sauce and prawn crackers. It was lovely to see the children having a go at using chopsticks and trying new foods and flavours.
Week Commencing 27th January 2025
In Pygmy Owl Class, we have been reading the text Winter's Child and writing about what the main character Tom got up to in the winter wonderland. In Maths, our Reception children have been learning to represent the number 4 in different ways and our Year Ones have been learning different subtraction methods.
In P.E, we learnt about the importance of using the right amount of power when moving a ball and put this into practice by playing a game of tennis ball golf which involved rolling a tennis ball into a hoop in as few rolls as possible.
On our Forest School Friday walk we spotted evergreen and deciduous trees and built some hibernation dens for animals, thinking about providing them with shelter, warmth, a bed and some food for when they woke up. We then spent some time on The Mound, enjoying the 'mud slide' and much fun was had by all!
Week Commencing 20th January 2025
We have had a busy few weeks in Pygmy Owl Class. We have begun our learning about the natural world by looking at the seasons and weather. The children have learnt about the changes that happen to trees in different seasons as well as how the weather changes and the order and features of each season.
In English, we began by watching a video called Automne and thought about the changes that happen to the earth as the seasons changed. This prompted some writing about the different seasons. We then moved on to reading the Percy the Park Keeper story 'One Snowy Night' and did some work about what Percy was like and how we knew from the story as well as writing thought bubbles for Percy at different points in the story. The children also enjoyed role playing the story in the continuous provision time and even indulged in some hot chocolate to warm up, just like Percy!
In Maths, our reception children have been learning to subitise numbers up to 5 and our Year 1s have been working on addition and subtraction.
The children have also enjoyed experimenting with mixing colours to create colours linked to each season and using these to create finger print pictures as well as having a go at creating a watercolour wash for a background for a seasons picture.
In P.E we have been learning to throw and catch and have made clay and stick hedgehogs in our Forest School Friday session.