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Visions, Values & Aims

A Small School with Big Ideas ...

Growing Hearts, Growing Minds, Growing Dreams


Growing Hearts

  • Our children will understand, talk about, and manage their emotions.
  • We will teach children about the impact of their behaviour on others and how to treat others with respect, understanding and love.
  • All members of the Manuden community will be aware of their feelings and emotions and know how to regulate them.
  • We will encourage curiosity about the world around us, as well as intellectual curiosity including understanding others and being curious about those who are different from us. 

Growing Minds

  • Our children will leave our school having developed the skills and knowledge to prepare for life in the modern world through a challenging, inspiring, and well-sequenced curriculum, ensuring clear progression.
  • Mental and physical wellbeing will be at the heart of what we do, teaching everyone how to keep themselves healthy in these areas.
  • Staff and pupils will understand how the brain works and how this knowledge can support their development.
  • We will learn to look for happiness in everyday life.
  • Pupils will understand how our feelings, emotions, and mental health impact our learning and be equipped with strategies to regulate them so we can stay focused.
  • Our pupils will be encouraged to be independent learners, taking ownership of their learning and knowing how to access support when needed.

Growing Dreams

  • Our children will be encouraged to have a growth mindset, challenging themselves to reach their full potential.
  • Members of the Manuden community will work together to ensure that everyone is welcome and understand that we are all different; but should all be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Our children will be encouraged to be anything c v they want to be and live their life however they want without judgement.
  • Our children will be taught to respect other people’s choices.
  • Our children will be encouraged to be creative, demonstrating self-expression, creative thinking and problem solving in all they do.
  • Everyone will have high expectations of themselves and believe they can reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.