The theme of this year's Children's Mental Health Week is Growing Together Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential. However, emotional growth is often a gradual process that happens over time, and sometimes we might feel a bit 'stuck'. As parents and carers, you can play an important role in your child's mental health.
Below are some great resources from Place2Be ...
Helpful tips for you, and your children, to help you think about the different ways we can grow.
This activity from Place2Be's Art Room team can help children think about who supports them to grow.
This activity supports young people to look back at their past growths.
In exclusive interviews with Place2Be Ambassador Josh Smith, TV, music and sport stars share their stories.
Take a look at Place2Be's new site which is full of practical advice and tried and tested tips for parents and carers of primary-age children.
Click on the link for ten top tips to support your child in getting to sleep:
edutopia shares some interesting information and resources about promoting kindness and empathy:
Also see British Values Action Plan
Click on the links for some activities that may be helpful when your children tell you they're bored!
I have a bank of these that I will share each week.
Gingerbread - Single Parents, Equal Families
This organisation hosts some valuable tips and advice for single parent families. It's important you take care not only of your children, but of yourself.
'Being a parent can be challenging in everyday situations. Now, more than ever, taking care of your mental health is important. Staying at home more or having to work during a difficult situation can put different pressures on everyone. And if you're struggling, it's okay to reach out for support from friends, families and organisations that are here to help .'
Changes to our mental health can sometimes affect children and their well-being. They may pick up on your anxiety or low mood. This doesn't mean you should hide or minimise your feelings. You can try to explain them using phrases like, "It's ok to get big feelings, everyone gets big feelings but it's still the grown up's job to look after the children" or "If grown-up's get big feelings it's not your fault - we can ask other grown-ups for help with our feelings."
Click on the link for some great tips for parents about how to manage your wellbeing during lockdown:
You may enjoy doing this yoga class with your child/ren.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we're all feeling less secure and missing our usual routines. But just as doing exercise improves physical health, you and your child can do activities to boost their mental health.
Click on the link to find out more about our new 'Zones of Regulation' that we've introduced at school.
Click on the links for tips on how to set up a family Zones-Check in at home and for activities that support self-regulation
This website has loads of downloadable resources that especially support social and emotional learning and managing strong feelings. The activities will help in supporting children's self-esteem and emotions. The links I have listed are free and many suggest books that may also be helpful, but there resources available that can be purchased.
wellbeing shield:
sleepy mobile:
gratitudes and emotions tracker:
worry jar activity:
positivity potion booklet:
breathing exercise wheel:
safe place activity:
gratitude jar:
self-esteem booster wheel:
emotions wheel art therapy:
Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious.
Even very young children can feel stressed and anxious, especially during times of change or upheaval. Luckily, there are lots of simple activities you can do together to help your little one learn to calm themselves.
Being able to recognise and cope with anxiety is a skill that will benefit children for life - try these simple, calming activities together and see which ones work for you.
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